We have sales and factory-trained technical support in virtually every part of the world where electronics products are manufactured. That means you’ll receive consistent, knowledgeable, and personal service, whether you’re in North America, Europe, Asia, South America or Australia. Let us know how we can help you. Our knowledgeable and professional sales and support teams are ready to help you maximize your results from boundary-scan.


Technical support Europe and Rest of the world : support@jtag.nl

Technical support Americas: support@jtag.com


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BSDL (Boundary-Scan Description Language) files are necessary for the application of boundary-scan for board and system level testing and in-system programming. BSDL files contain a full description of the Boundary-scan functionality within a chip. According the Boundary-scan standard IEEE 1149.1, these files must also be made freely available by the vendors of the IC’s to their customers.


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