Teradyne ICT

ICT: Teststation TS12x (GR228x)
TestStation Pro Software
JT 37x7/CFM
Run-time software + BSD

Users wishing to integrate JTAG Technologies boundary-scan applications with Teradyne teststations and GR228x have two options. The first uses Teradyne’s own Deep Serial Memory (DSM) card as the boundary-scan interface/controller while the other solution is based on our standard JT 37×7 controller which may be combined with a dedicated version of our QuadPod called the JT 2147/CFM. The DSM based solution allows you to mix stimulus and response via ICT pins/nails with boundary-scan driving and sensing capabilities to access nodes on your target. The JT 37×7 based solution is more suited to applications requiring fast Flash or PLD programming via boundary-scan access. Both solutions are controlled by the Teradyne GUI and reports with full pin level diagnostics are fed back into the Teradyne report generator.

Our ProVision development tools can be used to generate the boundary-scan based test patterns which are provided to the Teradyne test development tools for further processing.

  • One GUI (Teradyne) during production runs
  • Higher coverage
  • Combined report
  • Only one production step
  • Improved Fault coverage
  • Simplified fixture
  • Mid – to high volume production
  • Boundary-scan testing: infra, interconnections, memory connections, clusters
  • (DSM version) Combined tests using of ICT needle access and boundary-scan access at the same moment
  • (JT3717 or JT3727 version) Flash programming
  • (JT37x7 version) PLD Programming

JT 37×7 version:

  • 4 TAPs
  • 35Mhz TCK max
  • TAPs can be isolated from target

More from Teradyne here

We are boundary-scan

We will ensure that your organisation gets the maximum return on investments and receives the greatest benefits from this technology. Look through our website and support section for whatever kind of information you might need and feel free to contact us if the answer to your question is not provided.