25 MHz TCK max
4 TAPs, fixed voltage 3.3V / 5V
Easy mounting option for fixtures

The JT 2137 pod remains a popular choice for DataBlaster controller installations that require a compact signal conditioning pod embedded within a test fixture. The JT 2137 features four test access ports which together may be set for 5v or 3.3V TTL thresholds, although additional plug-in adapters are available that allow alternative thresholds to be set on a TAP by TAP basis (contact your local sales office for details). The 20-way 0.1″ IDC TAP headers comply with the standard JTAG Technologies 20-way pin-out and provide the additional flash programming controls Read/Busy and AutoWrite.

  • Fully Compatible with JTAG Technologies DataBlasters
  • Four Test Access ports using standard JTAG Technologies pin-out
  • Available as /13 open-frame variant supplied with SCSI cable splitter
  • Four JTAG TAPs at 3.3V or 5V
  • Compact size
  • Easy mounting option for fixtures
  • Four independent IEEE std 1149.x test access ports
  • SCSI-II (/12 variant) or flat cable (/13 variant) connections to DataBlaster
  • 3.3V or 5V programmable with LED indicator
  • Dimensions 20 x 67 x 105 mm
  • Weight 110 g

The JT 2137 series is ideal for siting within test fixtures, their compact size allowing the TAP signals to be linked via short wires to the test probes. Operating at a maximum TCK of 25 MHz the unit will satisfy most requirements for testing, flash programming and CPLD/FPGA programming in-system. The JT 2137 also offers a low-cost alternative to JT 2147 QuadPod (in some qualified applications).

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