Introduction to boundary-scan (English)

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An eye-opener in the world of structural testing using JTAG/boundary-scan aka IEEE Std 1149.1. Many electronics assemblies already include JTAG/boundary-scan test circuitry which is either underused or not used at all.

This webinar aims to inform test and development engineers of the possibilities of this built-in test and device programming feature.

Includes sections on:

– Device-level technology
– EXTEST and other instructions
– Board-level test and programming possibilities
– Options for test generation
– Hardware controller options

More about boundary-scan – advanced topics (English)

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This is a follow-up to the first webinar ‘An introduction to boundary-scan’.

– Automatic generation of different JTAG test applications (ATPG vs Scripting)
– Analyzing the Results

This webinar covers how effective boundary-scan board (PCBA) tests can be generated without coding. Different types of tests are explained and the process is shown to automatically generate these tests.

JTAG/Boundary-scan Design For Test Overview (English)

JTAG/Boundary-scan logic exists in many of today’s ICs that are built into 1000s of electronic circuit designs. Using this logic to best effect will save money during design debug, throughout manufacturing test and into field service.

This webinar introduces the topic of Design for Test using boundary-scan/JTAG and highlights some of the basic requirements and pitfalls to avoid.

Generating a fault coverage report in ProVision (English)

JTAG ProVision includes a powerful ‘testability’ and fault coverage report generator that works in tandem with the Visualizer graphical display options. Learn how to:

* Generate fault coverage tables for PCBAs and interpret their meaning
* Export reports and overlay coverage on schematics or layout diagrams
* Import data from 3rd party test systems
* Add coverage information from JTAG Functional Tests

This webinar aims to inform test and development engineers how to use JTAG’s fault coverage analysis tools to evaluate the effectiveness of this test method. This can assist in test point reduction and reduce overlap in regimes which support multiple test strategies for PCBAs.

Composing a Production Sequence – AEX Manager Focus (English)

Setting up a test/programming sequence using ProVision’s AEX Manager An overview of this comprehensive tool that is included in all ProVision Platform and generation suites

Includes sections on

* Simple sequencing
* Using the conditional branch controls
* Handling JFT applications using exit codes
* Launching external programs within a sequence

This webinar aims to inform test and development engineers how set-up an effective test & ISP sequence and store the results for future analysis.

Emulative Testing via the JTAG interface (English)

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JTAG testing is synonymous with boundary-scan (IEEE Std 1149.1). However not all devices with a JTAG port support boundary-scan and some that do have restricted access to some signal pins, and what about access to analog functions such as built- in ADC and DAC in today’s micros?

This webinar discusses how JTAG Technologies CoreCommander functions can be used to exploit the micro’s core (e.g. ARM, TriCore, MIPs…) power for board-level testing and more..


JTAG Functional Test (English)

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How to use scripting systems such as Python to generate powerful  test programs to combat your boards (PCBAs)
potential assembly problems.

– Background and comparison with ‘traditional’ JTAG Testing.
– Available APIs
– JFT coded Examples

This webinar covers how effective boundary-scan board (PCBA) tests can be generated with simple tools and familiar languages.

Programming Devices via the JTAG Interface (English)

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An insight into device ‘in-system’ programming JTAG/boundary-scan, or IEEE Std 1149.1.

Many electronics assemblies already include JTAG/boundary-scan circuitry for board test, but did you know this is often used for production configuration or field updates of your design..?

Includes sections on:

– Direct vs Indirect Programming
– Flash device programming
– PLDs and Micros

This webinar aims to inform test and development engineers how JTAG/boundary-scan is used to program devices already populated onto PCB assemblies.

Assessing PCBA ‘testability’ and JTAG ‘accessibility’ from schematic data (English)

This live webinar has taken place, click Ansehen, to view the recording of this webinar

An introduction to JTAG/Boundary-scan fault coverage analysisFeaturing:

* Free and low-cost tools for exposing accessibility

* Advanced tools for precise net-level analysis

* Presentation of fault coverage results

Fault coverage analysis is an important step in the design-for-test (DFT)process which is also an integral part of of the design teams workload. Early feedback of coverage issues at the schematic entry stage can avoid costly re-spins at later stages which lengthen time-to market which in turn can massively reduce profitability over a product’s life.

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